Mother regrets forcing her daughter to sleep with her father when she was a teenager. 
The woman identified as Justine, has expressed her regrets over forcing her then 11-year-old daughter Amanda, to have sex with her father for money. 

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Justine forced her daughter Amanda to sleep with her father 
The mother and daughter duo who appeared on popular TV series, Dr.Phil, had confronted themselves after 20 years of the abuse. 
According to Amanda, her parents made her start drinking alcohol from the age of 13, and afterwards made her join in when they were having sex. She also claimed her mother and her father Jim, made video tapes of their sexual trysts and took sexual photos of her, which they eventually sold online.
Amanda told her mother: 
“I know I made poor choices, my innocence was stolen from me.” 
Dr Phil asked Justine: 
“In what parallel universe does a mother watch her daughter performing a sex act on her husband and her father?” 

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