The disease is carried by ticks

WORRIED experts have sounded “alarm bells” over a new bacterial infection that is resistant to antibiotics.

The unnamed disease causes headaches, muscle pains, tiredness and recurring fevers — all similar symptoms to Lyme disease and also carried by deer ticks.

Boffins have found numerous ticks across the south of England that carry the bacterium Borrelia miyamotoi.

While it is not thought to have affected anyone in the UK, dozens in the US have been infected.

The bacterium was discovered in Japan 20 years ago but its potential to cause disease was not realised until recently.
Black-legged ticks are thought to be carriers
Black-legged ticks are thought to be carriers Getty Images
Scientists and health campaigners are worried by the lack of effect antibiotics have on the bug and how similar it is to Lyme disease, a potentially serious and long-lasting condition.

Stella Huyshe-Shires, of Lyme Disease Action, said: “We know this new disease, caused by the recently identified bacteria Borrelia miyamotoi, is in the UK. To date it has only been found in a handful of ticks but it will sound alarm bells.

“It causes similar symptoms to Lyme disease, and that will add to the confusion and complexity of diagnosing these various illnesses.

“The difficulty about this bacterium is that it causes a relapsing fever so can be misdiagnosed as flu, or other viral infections, and early treatment with antibiotics not given.

Ticks are usually found behind ears or under armpits
Ticks are usually found behind ears or under armpits Getty
“Patients who were not diagnosed and treated appropriately run the risk of more serious consequences, as can happen with Lyme disease.”

Lyme disease is currently growing in the UK, with thousands of new cases reported each year. If not detected and treated early, debilitating long-term symptoms can develop.

Unlike the new infection, the first symptom of Lyme disease is a red rash that spreads outwards from a tick’s bite mark.

Singer Avril Lavigne revealed earlier this year that she was laid up for months after contracting the ailment in 2013.

Ticks also cause a host of other diseases and scientists have advised people to protect themselves and their pets by checking for them after any countryside walks.

Ticks are usually found in armpits or behind the ears.

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