A BABY has been born with two tubes growing out of his face instead of a nose.
The little boy’s strange condition is caused by a rare genetic deformity called Patau syndrome that occurs once in every 10,000 to 15,000 births.
Named Angelito – which means “little angel” in Spanish – the tot is now waiting for an operation to give him a normal nose. His parents – mum Lorena Rodriguez, 20, and an unnamed 25-year-old father - are constantly at his bedside.
The baby is awaiting surgery CEN
Angelito was transferred from his home in Nuevo Chimbote, Peru, to a hospital in the capital Lima, 300 miles away, where he will undergo an operation to treat the malformation.
The boy has been named 'little angel' CEN
Neonatal care boss Carlos Arrestegui Ramos said: “He doesn’t have difficulty breathing now, but he will need plastic surgery.” He added that further tests would be needed to determine how else the boy’s mutation had affected his body.
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